Man. 15 months have gone by since I've touched this blog and the only reason I started to write another post is a few people have asked why I don't write anymore. I just tell them "That's none of your damn business and I thank you to stay out of my personal affairs." No but seriously where did the time go? You ever remember the Mel Gibson movie "Forever Young?" Where Mel Gibson wakes up out of an ice capsule like 75 years later and the only thing he remembers is some car accident with his girl friend? Wow, come to think of it, that's depressing. The last 15 months aren't depressing for us to say the least. Here we go!
1. The Mogwai!
You better believe it, Randi has a little Gremlin growing inside of her. Ha ha just kidding, let's seriously pray he gets Randi's looks, my charm / personality, and my sex appeal.
Most of my friends all have kids, at least one kid, some 3 (not sure how the hell you have three kids already, Jim Beam anyone?), and I always get the same questions from them. Lew, how do you feel that your freedom comes to an end October 11th? Never mind the fact I'm trading in carrying my golf bag for a baby carrier strapped around my back. Never mind the fact that I'm trading in bending down to get my golf ball out of a hole for bending down to put a blown out diaper in the garbage can. Never mind the fact that instead of cleaning off my golf ball while on the green I'll be cleaning off crap on the walls, changing table, and probably my hair. Never mind the fact that instead of waking up for a 6:30 am tee time, I'll be waking up to a screaming child who wants something to eat every 2 hours, and then taking a crap every two hours. My answer is simple, I don't look at it as giving up freedom. I'm getting a gift, I'm having the privilege of being blessed with an addition to my family. So between the blow outs, the spit ups, the peeing on the walls, the peeing in my ear and mouth, the crying when sick, the crying when poopy, the crying when you want to be held, it's all worth it. Not everyone has my luxury, my own personal little mini me in which we decided to name him........
DRAKE! You know, after the male rapper. Isn't that normal these days? My brother named his boy Cason, why can't I name my kid Drake? I'll have to admit, picking out the name Drake was easy, it means male Duck. I was called Penguin when I was little, is that not a match made in heaven? Much like Forrest Gump and Jenny? (Top 3 movie of all - time behind Teen Wolf and Back to the Future.)
2. Tebow Time!
You can't tell me that last football season was not amazing being a Bronco fan? So what Tim Tebow threw like Joe Kane from The Program when he was straight out of rehab. So what Tim Tebow is the only NFL player that's a virgin, even though Tosh thinks his V-card was swiped plenty of times down in Gainesville. It's quite possible that I sent Tebow a tube of my blood and that I tried to grab a lock of his hair when he and I were both in San Diego, sue me. When Tebow came on TV, I was like a 12 year old girl at a One Direction concert. Not that I know what that's all about..........
But seriously, there wasn't a better story line in the NFL last year. A 24 year old virgin that had about as much accuracy as Dick Cheney while hunting and taking a Bronco team with a hobo for a starting quarterback (Kyle Orton), a washed up but somehow revived running back with one knee left from the 2002 National Championship (Willis Mcgahee), and a coach that defines conservative to a tee. Seriously, John Fox has no marbles. You could hand that guy a pair of Kings in a poker game and he'd fold quicker than a BYU defense with the thought of pocket aces out there. Tebow took America, my heart, and every women that's a virgin with the thought of being Tebow's first you know what. Kiss....... But with that being said, I have a new man crush. His name is Peyton Manning and we shall see how our relationship develops this year.
3. Cypress Point
A man dreams of three things in this life : The Utes to win a national championship, the chance that they'll make a Back to the Future 4, and the opportunity to play Cypress Point in Northern California. I had the privilege of playing this land mark in July and it left me speechless. Almost as speechless when I held a girl's hand for the first time, which was Randi's.......
Cypress Point is the Zack Morris of golf courses, it's the Aston Martin of golf courses. There wasn't a better feeling of stepping on the tee box at 7:30 am, feeling the Pacific Ocean mist walking down the fairways, and hearing the ocean crashing into the shoreline as you hit your tee shot 270 to 285 down the middle of the fairway, like I do. I'll have to admit, I never heard much of Cypress before I was invited to play it. I was much like an 18 year old freshman going to a USC frat party thinking we were going to play Chutes and Ladders all night. We know Trojans know how to party, no pun intended. Walking up and down the fairways, I learned the history of that course, why it was so special, and just how lucky I was to be there. It's like when I invite Danny Hafen or Rand Sargent to play golf with me, they should feel privileged. I'd say the same thing about Ike but he just buys random people alcohol in our random pairings with people, even if they are junior golfers. Just kidding, or am I?
The fact of the matter is if you have a chance to play Cypress, do anything you can. If you have to whore yourself out you better start asking for forgiveness. It's that worth it, trust me.
4. My Job
As you know, I transitioned from vulcher cell phone salesmen via Verizon, to Sales Developmental Rep for Fusion-io, to now being in charge of OEM Sales Operations for Fusion-io. Let's face it, retail is about as fun as giving yourself paper cuts between your toes and fingers. No one likes getting home at 9:30 at night to a wife that's probably been a sleep since 8:30 (Seriously, you put Randi in bed around 9 and it's lights out for her, don't know how she does it) and you are stuck watching reruns of Cheers because nothing is on TV. It could be worse, I could be stuck watching reruns of Seinfeld in which I'd rather give myself paper cuts between my fingers and toes. I can't think of a worse sitcom that was aired on television.
I love my job, I love our company, and I love who I work with/for. It's been a long time since I've been able to say that about a job. I've been apart of a lot of good things in past companies but nothing has been as rewarding as watching our small company grow into a market leader. Almost like watching Tim Tebow grow as a passer......... People this is my blog, you'll just have to deal with the Tebow infatuation, even though he's a Jet now.
With that being said, #1 may change in about 10 weeks depending on how much this kid is dumping on me. Check back in 6 weeks.